.... and Gryshyn’s urgent playing brings out their sweeping, irresistibly melodic qualities.
Trods uddannet i den såkaldte russiske klaverskole, hvor det stålsatte går hånd i hånd med ekspressivitet, tager Gryshin nænsomt på de romantiske toner, som var det selveste arvesølvet, han pudsede op med varsom hånd. Kosenkos etuder bliver til kleinkunst med flygtige berøringer og en drøm om idyl, og i de mere livlige af etuderne er det, som om solen slår smut i bølgerne en sommerdag....
...spiller Gryshyn først og fremmest imponerende - med fuld kontrol ...
Kraftvoll und gleichzeitig elegant, mit vorwärtsdrängender Beweglichkeit fließen die elf häufig in exotischen Tonarten gehaltenen Etüden op. 8 unter Gryshyns Händen voran.
Stephan Schwarz-Peters, PIANIST
... Gryshyn puts in a pristine performance of rippling chromatic fluidity stretching the entire keyboard...
... I loved Gryshyn’s lightness of touch and his precision, necessary for this crazily fast section. And the passion and emotion Gryshyn releases in the dénouement shows an artist playing in the zone. In it, Gryshyn seems to grasp Scriabin’s rapturous, transcendental state, one which came from a deep love of life, of the universe. It’s a remarkable composition and a masterful performance by Gryshyn....
KH, artmuselondon 14.Oktober 2021
Im Lied „Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort“ fällt auch der dicht gewobene Klavierpart voll Klangzaubereien auf – sensibel gestaltet von Igor Gryshyn.
...Ein mit allen Wassern gewaschener Virtuose von russischem Format...
...Wie gut er tatsächlich ist, das kann Gryshyn am 75. Todestag des Komponisten besser zeigen in den Liedern Sergej Rachmaninows, bei denen er und Tokar die Sterne vom Himmel singen und spielen.
Leipziger Volkszeitung, 31 März 2018, Peter Korfmacher
Igor Gryshyn au piano assume également, d'une autre manière, une double contrainte entre le sobre accompagnement du chant et le talent de savoir donner aussi à l'instrument la fluidité et l'éclat de l'exécution d'une sonate. Par d'habiles transitions son jeu passe aisément de l'un à l'autre.
Bachtrack, 30 Januar 2016, Jean Landras
Igor Gryshyn's programme was well-balanced and chosen and began with the first two Ballades by Chopin. He projected the contrasts between the two pretty well...In the second half, Mr Gryshyn came back with Bach's Toccata in D, BWV 971. Here was a different kind of brilliance, a technical mastery which may have had an outwardly colourful appearance but remained baroque in spirit. With the two Etudes Tableaux from Rakhmaninov's Op.39 the pianist came back with two more balanced and contrasting pieces confirming further his interpretative versatility.
The Times & The Sunday Times, Malta May 2005
At age of 20, pianist Igor Gryshyn already boasts a number of high-profile concert appearances. His well-attended recital at the Manoel once again confirmed his considerable technique and musicality...
Scarbo (M.Ravel) was an excellent vehicle for Gryshyn's virtuosity, who relished the quirky touches of the work. In my opinion, however, the highlight of the work (and perhaps of the whole evening) was the central Le Gibet, with its ominously tolling figure and its general feeling of desolation...The pianistic fireworks of the work's second half also had a personal flavour since Gryshyn introduced his own Russian-tinged cadenza before the final thundering chords. (F.Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No.2). A familiar piece perhaps, but no complaints when so excitingly played!
The Times & The Sunday Times, Malta March 2004
Das zentrale Klavierkonzert Chopins (e-moll, op.11) liegt bei Igor Gryshyn in wunderbar schnellen und technisch perfekten Händen. Wobei seine durchdachte Gestaltung emotional an den Grenzen der Begleitung orientiert ist. Populäres Programm - und rundum ein Erfolg.
"Leipziger Volkszeitung" 1. Februar 2005
...der erste Programmteil des Abends endete mit der bekannten As-Dur Polonaise von Frederic Chopin. Das hohe Tempo verdeutlichte die technische Brillianz des Pianisten, der scharf herausgearbeitete Polonaisenrhythmus ließ dem Zuhörer den Atem stocken.Nach der Pause interpretierte Gryshyn die Toccata D-Dur von J.S.Bach. Dieses Werk wirkte besonders im Ambiente des barocken Festsaales. Die meisterliche Tongebung verband sich in faszinierender Weise mit dem Hall des Raumes.
"Muldentaler Kreiszeitung" 5. Juli 2005
Das Konzert für Klavier, Trompete und Streichorchester (D.Schostakovich) wirkte kühn und subjektiv. Es strotzte nur so von ironisch-distanzierter Haltung. Der junge Pianist Igor Gryshyn aus Charkow spielte ausdrucksvoll und mit lockerer Virtuosität. Viel Beifall und "Bravo"-Rufe zollte das Publikum den Solisten und dem Orchester, das sich einmal mehr als einfühlsame Begleitung profilierte.
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, Schönebeck März 2005
The same stark reading was given to Mozart's Piano Sonata in B flat Major, K 333, a work that is as charming as it is unhackneyed.Here again Gryshyn did not go in for striking effects of interpretation but allowed the music to speak for itself, giving due importance to every note whether forming part of the melodic line or of the accompaniment or harmonic filler...
More virtuosity was to come in the second part of the programme which started with a performance of Chopin's Ballade No.1 in G minor. Gryshyn's technique and power of interpretation were here at their best...
Second Piano Sonata in B flat minor op.36 (S.Rachmaninov). It is in three movements the three of which, with the possible exception of parts of the second movement marked non allegro, are little more than a vehicle for the performer's virtuosity...
It is effective music and Gryshyn sailed through all the difficulties without any problems, each note sounding absolutely clear and giving attention to every detail.
"The Sunday Times" March 30, 2003